“All children have within them the potential to be great kids. It's our job to create a great world where this potential can flourish.”

-Stanley Greenspan

Individualized therapeutic guidance that helps support children in their areas of struggle to foster development with fun and engaging interactions. This doesn’t feel like therapy. This is a place where all children are loved, understood, accepted and affirmed.

young boy drumming on a drum with shaving cream and rice receives occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy Support for:

  • Sensory processing differences

  • Emotional regulation

  • Motor development

  • Relationships

  • Basic life skills

  • Learning challenges

  • Feeding difficulties

“Over the past year and a half, my beloved child was identified as autistic and then a flurry of additional diagnoses and challenges. This clinic has and is literally saving our lives. They exemplify the highest levels of clinical and therapeutic care: thoughtfully and lovingly developing 100% individualized treatment, modifying as often and as much as necessary. Medical issues arise and change rapidly with my child, and every time, the clinic displays nothing but kindness, compassion, and flexibility to do what is truly in his best interests. The therapists partner with you, the parent/family, and consistently go above and beyond to encourage, explain, guide, and encourage some more.

I've watched our OT literally change the course of my son's existence, his experience of himself and of life, and be our lifeline and promise of hope.

In our first evaluation with the renowned developmental pediatrician, Dr. Rubin, he told me this clinic is the absolute best I could have for my child. 1.5 years later, I can absolutely attest to that truth.”



  • Occupational therapy focuses on whatever occupies the client’s time.  For children and teens, this is generally play, learning, self-care and socializing.  For more information, visit

  • According to the American Counseling Association, “Professional counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. Counselors work with clients on strategies to overcome obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing.” description

  • You can call our office at 770-393-9901 or email us at to set up an evaluation or screening.  Please note that during high frequency times (the beginning and end of school semesters), we may have a waiting list for evaluations.  Screenings are available only through approved schools.

  • You can view pricing for evaluations and screenings at this link. For therapy and counseling sessions, at this link

  • We will schedule your child for a 1.5 hour evaluation, as well as a 1 hour Parent Follow-Up consultation at a later date. You will also receive a written summary, along with recommendations for therapeutic services.

  • First – breathe.  It can be overwhelming to submit oneself or one’s child to an evaluation, but we truly work to set you at ease.  For the child, we recommend giving concrete information such as, “You are going to go to this office where you are going to play with ___.  You will play games and talk a bit.”  We generally find that even the most initially tentative child will not want to leave once the evaluation it over! For teens, we recommend explaining that they are going to meet a therapist who may ask some questions, but that generally they will “hang out.”

  • We understand that making a phone call or sending an email to request an evaluation can be emotionally fraught.  It can be helpful and reassuring to read from websites that provide information without being overwhelming.  We recommend:

  • Even when we are accepting care from another provider, we will need to do our own evaluation because our lens is so different from most Occupational Therapy practitioners. Please email us to further inquire.